Ajanta Caves – Monks Of Buddhist Are Spending An Amount Of Winter Times In This Caves

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Ajanta caves  are located in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra state of India. The Ajanta caves are one of the places history and and culture enthusiasts will enjoy an excursion to. It is believed that several Buddhist monks spent a significant amount of time at the Ajanta caves during the monsoons as they were forbidden from travelling during that particular period of the year. This was the time when the monks put their creativity and time to use and painted the walls of the caves.

It was only in 1819, when Jon Smith, who belonged to the 28th Cavalry accidentally chanced upon the horse-shoe shaped rock while hunting a tiger in and around the Deccan Plateau region. The entrance to the cave like structures intrigued the British official enough to make them cross the Waghora River in the vicinity and reach the caves. Soon, archaeological experts excavated the sites and the news of discovery of these caves spread like wild fire making it an instant hit among European travelers.

Apart from the stunning paintings and sculptures, there were also huge Buddhist mounds like stupas built, massive pillars intricately detailed carvings on the ceilings and walls made big news, giving the Ajanta caves the status of a heritage site. 

It was soon studied that there were over 30 caves in the cave complex out of which one part of the complex was developed during the Satvahana period and the other was done during the Vakataka period. After closely studying several of these artefacts, historians and archaeologists speculated a connection between the Vakataka dynasty that ruled the region to the Gupta dynasty of north India!

During the first phase of construction, the sanctuaries known as the Chaitya-grihas were built in the canyons of the Waghora River. Caves 9, 10, 12 and 15 A were built in the first phase during the Satavahana dynasty. The second period of construction was carried out during the rule of Emperor Harishena of the Vakataka dynasty. Close to 20 cave temples were simultaneously built which resemble the modern day monasteries with a sanctum in the rear end of the structure.

Towards the end of the reign of Harisena, these caves were abandoned and eventually forgotten through the centuries. The dense forests were partly to be blamed for camouflaging these caves. The Ajanta caves are home to paintings and sculptures that depict heavy influence of Buddhist philosophy and religious teachings of the Buddha. Various incidents from the life of Gautam Buddha and the Jataka Tales are represented and recreated on the walls of these caves. Scenes from the royal court of the respective eras are also painted.

Through his life, Buddha was against the idea of sculpting and painting images of him. He  preached that life was a process through which one must overcome desire in order to attain salvation or nirvana. However, after Buddha’s death, his followers who wanted to worship him, decided to paint his images so that they had something to hold on to while spreading the faith and teachings of the Buddha.

At the entrance of the first of Ajanta caves, you will be greeted by a tall image of the Buddha. The doorway to the cave is decorated with auspicious motifs and the cave has numerous sculptures and paintings of Bodhisattvas Padmapani and Vajrapani; carvings of princesses, lovers, maids and dancing girls; scenes depicting the Persian Embassy, Golden Geese, Pink Elephants and Bull Fights. Though the caves are over 2,000 years old, the Buddha statues had been added close 600 years later.

By Air

Aurangabad is the nearest Air point for Ajanta. It can be reached from New Delhi and Mumbai (Bombay), international airport. Indian airlines as well as Jet Airways have daily flight to Aurangabad from New Delhi and Mumbai.

By Train

Jalgaon is the best place to drop in for Ajanta if you like Rail journey. It is centre point of all major railway stations of India and has Bhusaval (Just 28kms from Jalgaon) as Second largest depot of railways in entire Asia.

Daulatabad fort – It Is One Of The World’s Most Excellent Conserved Fort

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Daulatabad Fort is 14 kilometer away from Aurangabad City of Maharastra State of India. It is magnificent 12th century fortress stands on a hill, Built by Raja Bhillamraj once known as 'Devgiri', Initially a Yadav stronghold, it passed through the hands of several dynasties in the Deccan. The ‘Daulatabad’ (city of fortune) name was give by Muhamad Tughlaq, Sultan of Delhi.

When Muhammad Tughlak ascended the Delhi throne, he was so taken by the fortress that he decided to move his court and capital there, renaming it Daulatabad, "the City of Fortune". He ordered the entire population of Delhi to move out en masse to the new capital.

Daulatabad Fort, a rock-hewn fortress dominating the landscape, from a 600 feet high mesa-like flat terrain, Daulatabad Fort is one of the world's best preserved Fort, survived without being altered. Daulatabad Fort is said to be only occupied by cheating. A series of secret, puzzled, endless passages lounge curved like a python amidst the fort.

Here blazing torches were push upon enemies. Or hot oil poured down his path, as he deliberated in the maze. The Fort itself lies in the body of an isolated hill; the steep hill - sides at the base falling so sharply to the moat that no aggressive troops could scale the height. The moat, 40 feet deep with mechanical drawbridges full with crocodiles.

The defenses were extended during Muhammad Tughlak, battlements and fortresses were built, mounted with huge bronze cannons, and several rings of walls with battlements guarded the approach. Several inner walls with heavy iron gates fitted with elephant spikes were encircled by a six kilometer outer wall.

Inside these walls is a 40 feet deep moat, with a drawbridge, leading to the original citadel. The plateau's solid rock sides were then scraped vertically flat to a height of 250 ft., for extra added unease of access.

A 5 kilometer strong wall, artificial scarping and a complicated series of defenses made Daulatabad Fort secure. The 30 meter high Chand Minar (Tower) built much later with 3 circular balconies had a defensive and religious role in the Fortress.

This circular tower with three balconies has similar features to Qutub Minar in Delhi. The lowest part of the minar is a square construction with arch-shaped openings, and 'mehrab' like niches inside. It may have functioned as a small mosque. In one corner of the construction, there is a Persian inscription. The base of the Chand Minar was built in the Tugluq period, whereas the central part is assumed to have been built by Ala ad-Din Hasan in 1346, to celebrate the conquer of Daulatabad Fort.

By Air

The nearest airport is at Aurangabad, 22 kms away from Daulatabad Fort. Aurangabad has a good national airport, which is well connected to major cities like Mumbai, Delhi & Hyderabad.

By Train

Aurangabad Railway station is nearest one to Daulatabad Fort, which is approximately 15 kms away. There are a plenty of private car services you can hire or you can avail the bus service from railway station to the fort.

By Bus

There are regular buses from Aurangabad to Daulatabad Fort. Alternative you can hire private car, there are plenty of tour operator you can avail service from. The drive from Aurangabad to Daulatabad Fort takes half hour.

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