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The Sri Aurobindo Ashram is a spiritual community (ashram) established at Pondicherry, in the Indian territory of Puducherry, by Sri Aurobindo on the 24 November 1926. At the time there were few disciples staying with Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo subsequently decided to withdraw from public view for continuing His spiritual work and handed over the responsibility of the Sadhaks (spiritual aspirants) and the Ashram to His spiritual collaborator The Mother
Sri Aurobindo Ghose is celebrated philosopher-poet. Born in Kolkata in 1872 to a rich Bengali family, Aurobindo began the practice of Yoga in 1905 and 5 years later he moved to Pudcherry from Bengal.

During his 40 years tenure at Puducherry, Aurobindo worked out a new system of mind development which he called Integral Yoga. His philosophical writings and poetry-lofty and impenetrable to the casual reader attract worldwide attention.

Later Mirra Alfassa, a French painter-sculptor who had followed the same path like Aurobindo, joined him later. Together, in1926, they founded an ashram where his belief -'All life is Yoga'- could be put into practice. Later Mirra Alfassa, came to be known as the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

 It was the Mother who launched the community of Auroville, which flourishes ten kilometers outside of Puducherry. After Aurobindo’s death in 1950, the running of the Ashram was entrusted by Mirra Alfassa. She died in 1973 at the age of 93.

Administered by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, a public charitable trust formed by the Mother in 1955. the Ashram is located in the eastern part of Puducherry. It is an enchanting ashram where devotees from India and abroad come from all over the world

By Air

The airport at Pondicherry can accommodate landing of a small aircraft only and has flights coming in from Bangalore and Hyderabad. However, you can get a connecting flight if you are coming from Delhi, Kochi, Kolkata and Mumbai. Chennai is the second nearest domestic as well as international airport which is approximately 135 kilometres away from Pondicherry. The Chennai airport is well connected to all major cities across the globe. Once you reach at the airport, you can hire a private taxi to reach Pondicherry.

By Train

The nearest rail station from Pondicherry is Villupuram, which is about 35 kilometres away from the town. The railhead is well-connected to cities like New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and Trivandrum. Two of the most popular trains are New Delhi Pondicherry Express and Nagarcoli Express. Once you reach at the station, you can hire a taxi that will drive you to the city.

By Bus

There are several buses that ply frequently from Chennai, Thanjaur, Trichy, Coimbatore, Bangalore and Madurai to Pondicherry. Both private and state-owned buses are available. The bus fare will depend upon the distance covered.


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