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Nainital is located in the Kumaon division of Uttarakhand and gets its name from the Naini lake. The city’s charm is only added to with the hundreds of ancient temples and peaks with amazing views of the mountains in the backdrop.

 The place is set in a valley containing the pear-shaped Naini lake, approximately two miles in circumference and surrounded by mountains.
Nainital and are generally considered pleasant for a day sightseeing.

This is also the best time to enjoy boat ride as the weather is favourable. Sometimes, especially during the months of May and June, the afternoon can be quite hot and hence it is advisable to go for boating after 4pm. 

The average temperature at this time varies between 10 degree Celsius and 25 degree Celsius.

In May and June the town usually gets very crowded due to the rush of tourists escaping the hot summer of the plains, but the temperatures are cool and in the range of 30 degrees C during the day time.

 If you plan on visiting Nainital at this time be aware that hotels get sold out soon so it would be advisable to make your hotel bookings well in advance. 

For the adventurous there are beautiful trekking trails to Naina Peak and Tiffins Top. You can also take a ride in cable car to Snow View from where you can enjoy the splendid view of Nanda Devi. Rock climbing at Bada Pathar is another activity that you can enjoy here. 

Nainital with its beautiful landscape and stunning views of the surrounding mountains is an ideal place for your next vacation if you want to combine a bit of adventure with some peaceful moments.

According to historical records, Nainital was discovered by a British sugar merchant named P. Barron. The merchant was so deeply enthralled by the lake settlement and its forested surrounding that he came back with a sailing boat and built a house named Pilgrim’s Cottage.

By Air

The nearest airport is at Pantnagar, 72 kms from Nainital. There are connecting bus services and private taxis plying to Nainital everyday at regular intervals.

By Train

The closest railhead for Nainital is at Kathgodam, 40 kms south. Trains connect Kathgodam with Agra, Bareilly, Lucknow and Delhi. A convenient train to take from Delhi would be the overnight Ranikhet Express which gets to kathgodam early in the morning. From Kathgodam you can take a hired taxi or bus to Nainital.

By Bus

Two main highways come in to Nainital, one to the south at Tallital and the other to the head of the lake at Mallital. Traffic coming in from the plains in the south arrive at Tallital, while those coming from Ramnagar and Corbett National Park arrive at Mallital. 

The journey from Delhi to Nainital takes about 8 hours and is pleasant drive. You can also hire a taxi, share a cab, drive up or avail the city bus services to Nainital from Delhi

1 comment:

  1. Excellent information given, thanks to share this valuable information. This is very helpful for all tourist who are planning to visit New Delhi to Nainital.


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