Kadmat Island - The Cool Ocean Breeze And Seagulls Will Give An Enormously Unforgettable Journey

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A journey from Agatti to Kadmat onboard the HSC [High Speed Catamaran] will take around 2.30 hours. The blue sea around you is a beauteous vision.

The cool ocean breeze and seagulls will give an absolutely unforgettable journey. You will encounter sandbanks, sparkling coral reef, large school of fish and other marine animals.

During the travel you could catch a glimpse of many different islands, mostly uninhabited. Bangaram island [9km] is situated just opposite side of Thinnakara island [11km] and share the vast lagoon and coralline banks with Agatti.

On the north-south edge of the lagoon Parali (i); Parali (ii) and Kalpitty isle are situated. Pitti Bank is situated around 20 km ahead from Agatti Island.

Kadmat island, although just 5 km northeast of Amini Island, is separated from it by a deep channel and thus forms a separate geographical unit. Along with the cool breeze of the sea, the scenic beauties and visions, you are slowly getting closer to the exotic Kadmat Island.

The most outstanding strength of Kadmat island lies in its marine wealth. Surrounded on the eastern and western side by large lagoons of spectacular beauty, long and sandy beaches that makes the place one of the ideal tourist destinations in the region.

The blue water lagoon is encircling the invaluable wealth of colourful corals, coral habitats, the reef banks, unspoilt virgin beaches, the sun and the moon
Location: The island is situated 407 kms. far from Kochi (Cochin), Kerala. ('11* 13*' north latitude; '72* 48*' east longitude). One of the largest in Lakshadweep group, Kadmat is 8 Km long and 550 m wide at the broadest point.
WaterSports: Explore the underwater world, enjoy the sublime seascapes. The lagoons here are huge and shallow, leaving a lot of space for a good swim. Snorkel trips are organized to nearby island reefs.. Watersports Kadmat
By Air
 Kadmat island is basically a ship based destination. Air and sea package connecting a flight from Kochi to Agatti. A boat from Agatti to Kadmat takes 45nml/2 to 4 hr. Kadmat Island Air Travel Packages avaliable
By Sea
 Kadmat (MWAP) package from mainland (By ship) has been identified for staying tourists with its tourists huts aesthetically situated in the coconut palm groves in the beaches facing the lagoon. Kadmat Packages By Ship avaliable


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