Puri Rath Yatra-Three Deities In Three Chariot Go To Their Aunt's House

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The most awaited festival of Rath Yatra or Car Festival Puri commences on the 06th July, Wednesday and Return Car Festival or' Bahuda Jatra' falls on 14th July this year. Also known as Chariot Festival or Car festival, this is one of the most awaited Hindu festivals of the state as well as the country.

The famous festival that is celebrated usually in the month of June or July commences when the chariots of Lord Jagannath accompanied by his elder brother Balabhadra and sister Devi Subhadra are brought out on to the Main Street of Puri known as Bada Danda.

The Chariots are then taken to the Shri Gundicha Temple to their aunt’s house where the deities enjoy a nine days stay and are served with sweet pancakes.

 The celebration of this day starts much earlier that comprises the construction and decoration of the Raths or Chariot by numerous devotees & volunteers.

The three chariots that are the highlights of the entire Yatra are pulled by strings. The chariot of Lord Jagannath which is 45.6 feet high, high comprises 18 wheels and is referred as Nandighosa. Balabhadra’s chariot is made 45 feet high with 16 wheels is called Taladhvaja.

 The chariot of Subhadra known as Devadalana has 14 wheels and is 44.6 feet high. All these chariots are decorated with various designs and colors by the artists of Puri that showcases their enthusiasm for the Yatra.

The chariots used during Rath Yatra are built every year. Carpenters began the construction of chariots on the Akshaya Tritiya day.

The chariots are painted with bright colors and the tops are covered with red, black, yellow, or green canopies. Lord Jagannath uses red and yellow, Lord Balaram uses red and green, while Goddess Subhadra uses red and black. All the chariots have separate features to distinguish from each other

Chhera pahara is the most famous ritual associated with the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2016. During the festival, the Gajapati King sweeps all around the deities and chariots.
He then cleanses the road with a broom (gold-handled) and sprinkles sandalwood water and powder. The custom showcases that in the eyes of Lord Jagannath every devotee is equal be it the king or a commoner.
 This ritual is held on two days, firstly on the Rath Yatra Puri when the three deities goes to their aunt’s house and lastly on the day when they are ceremoniously brought back to the Puri Temple.
On the celebration day devotees pull the chariots till the Gundicha temple. This time in Rath Yatra Puri 2016 also you will see the same celebration but wide more spiritual excitement. Because it is the Nabakalebar Rath Yatra where all the Lords will get new avatar after nineteen years. The return journey of Lords is also celebrated as Bahuda yatra.
The deities reach the Puri temple on Ekadasi day, than attired in new costumes and this new form of the idols is known as ‘Suna Vesa’ . So come to be a part of Puri Rath Yatra 2016 to see new looks of deities and get blessing for your lifetime.

One of the four most celebrated places of India is situated 60 kilometres (37 miles) south of Orissa’s capital Bhubaneswar. There are several routes to reach the holy city, including by air, by train, by road. If you ask, how to reach Puri by air, the answer will be Bhubaneshwar Airport. For reaching Puri by train, Puri Railway Station and Bhubaneshwar Railway Station, both the options are available for you. Puri Rath Yatra 2016 can also be reached by bus, which will take around 1 and a half hour from Bhubaneswar.

1 comment:

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