Kerala Tourism Decided To Attract More Tourists

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Kerala Tourism's upcoming plans are just too good to be true.

Kerala Tourism has come up with new and exciting initiatives to attract more tourists. Eco-Adventure, Project Muziris--aimed to reinstate the historical and cultural significance of the legendary port of Muziris and promoting Kerala as a MICE and wedding destination are on the priority list of the tourism board.

Eco-adventure tour packages to attract young vacationers and packages focused on the hills and forests of the Western Ghats will be part of the tourism scheme. There are also plans for commissioning chartered flights and exploring possibilities of charter trains and tourist bogies in trains from major Indian markets.

U V Jose, director of Kerala Tourism says, "Our main objective is to promote newly started initiatives. From picture perfect landscapes and exciting getaways to rich culture and heritage, the State has a lot to showcase, not to forget the delectable cuisine, music and art."

Nanda Kumar, deputy director of Kerala tourism adds, "We are promoting Kerala tourism in metro cities every year. We are also planning to campaign this in small villages and cities like Lucknow, Nagpur, Patna and Ahmedabad."

Kerala tourism also plans to open new hotels and resorts to cater to the increasing footfall of tourists.
Malabar tourism will also be promoted in a big way along with the Spice Route.


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