Palani Murugan Temple - It Has Been Pointed Out As The 3rd Padai Veedu Along With Arupadai Veedu

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Lord Murugan is the deity of the Tamil Land. Palani (Tiru Avinankudi) is the thirdPadai Veedu. The temple at Palani is an ancient one, situated at an elevation of 1500 feet above sea level. It is a charming campus from where one can take a look at the Idumban Hill, the Kodaikanal Hills, the Western Ghats, the greenery of the paddy fields, rivers, tanks, Palani town and the colleges.

On a lovely, clear and mist-free day, the Kurinci Āndavar Temple is visible from here against the bright sun. In daytime, Palani is Hill Beautiful; at night, it is Hill Resplendent
The deity of Palani is known as Dandayudhapani Swami, the Lord having the Staff in his Hand. The deity at the sanctum sanctorum is made out of an amalgam of nine minerals popularly called Navabashana. 

The deity is in a standing position with a baton in his hand. He has the look of a person who has renounced all worldly pomp. He has just a loincloth besides the baton.

He is a mute messenger of the great precept 'Renounce all to reach Me'. The icon is unique in the whole world. It was made by siddha Bhogar by combining nine poisonous substances (navabashana). Murugan signifies beauty and Lord Murugan of Kurinji land is the god of Beauty and Youth.

Lord does not take a siesta and the temple-doors are open continuously from twilight to night for nearly 16 hours at a stretch without interval. The presiding deity in any temple is of stone.

Here, it is an amalgam comprising navabashana or nine different kinds of medicinal minerals (some say poisons) blended together in certain rare proportions, the resultant substance resembling hard wax.

The constant performing of abhishekams has perhaps added cohesive strength to the image and in turn the medicinal qualities absorbed by the abhishekam materials, attributing to them miraculous curative properties.

Modern physicians say that milliards of bacteria are stored in the idol and anything taken out of the touch of the idol by abhishekams also infected with the bacteria which grow in geometrical progression.

By Air

Coimbatore & Madurai is the Nearest Airport to Palani Hills.

By Train

Palani can be reached by road from all the Cities of Tamilnadu.The Nearest city is Coimbatore.It is about 105 km away from Palani.

By Bus

The nearest railway station is Dindugal & Coimbatore


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