Teej Festival - It Is An Imperative Festival Only For Women

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The Teej festival is an important festival for married women, and much anticipated monsoon festival. It commemorates the reunion of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, after she paid a penance of 100 years separation. The invocation of Parvati's blessing during the festival is believed to bring about continued marital bliss.
"Teej" refers to the third day after the new moon, and third day after the full moon, every month.  During the monsoon season, these festivals are celebrated on the third day of the bright half of the Hindu month of Shravan, and on the third day of the waning and waxing moons during the Hindu month of Bhadrapad. This means that there are actually three Teej festivals -- known as Haryali (Green) Teej, Kajari Teej and Hartalika Teej. In 2016, these festivals will take place on August 5-6, August 19-20, and September 4 respectively.
The Teej festival is widely celebrated in northern and western India, particularly in the desert state of Rajasthan.
It's also worth experiencing Kajarai Teej celebrations in Bundi in Rajasthan. Teej festival fairs, featuring handicrafts and Rajasthani cultural performances, are also held at Dilli Haat, in Delhi. In 2016, this will be taking place from August 5-7 at the Janakpuri Dilli Haat.

Women dress up in their finest clothes and jewelry to worship the Goddess Parvati. They also get their hands decorated with henna, accompanied by the singing of special Teej festival songs. Swings are fixed to branches of large trees, and the women take turns to joyfully swing on them.

During Haryali Teej in Jaipur, a spectacular royal procession featuring an idol of the Goddess Parvati (Teej Mata), winds its way through the lanes of the Old City. It comprises antique palanquins, bullock carts pulling cannons, chariots, decorated elephants, horses, camels, brass bands, and dancers. A bit of everything really! The procession starts out from Tripolia Gate and winds its way through Tripolia Bazaar and Chhoti Chaupar, Gangauri Bazaar, and ends at Chaugan Stadium. Tourists can watch and photograph it from the terrace of the Hind Hotel, opposite Tripolia Gate.

A fair is held during Kajarai Teej in Bundi and there's also a colorful street parade featuring a beautifully decorated idol of Goddess Parvati. 
Girls engaged to be married receive a gift from their future in-laws on the day before the festival. The gift consists of henna, bangles, a special dress, and sweets. Married daughters are given a number of gifts, clothes and sweets by their mother. After the worship has been completed, they're passed on to the mother-in-law.
The Teej festival is a very uplifting occasion, filled with singing, swinging, and dancing. There's plenty of feasting too.


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