India’s First Climate To Change Theatre In Pushpa Gujral Science City

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Theatre set up to drive home effects of climate change

To sensitive and educate people on one of the most challenging issues global warming the pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala, has set up an unique climate change theatre which is first of its kind in the country.

The CCT will help the visitors to have a better understanding of the latest climate science and human role in make people environmentally responsible, even if by taking small steps. The 18 meter diameter theatre has been set up in a dome shaped building with an investment of Rs.1.50 crore. It has a sitting capacity for 125 persons.

The CCT, which takes the audience around the globe from North Pole to the South to explore the warming planet, is an unique experience. The theatre shows a 25 minute film on two screens - flat and dome shaped with special light and sound effects. For example, if it is said on one screen that cutting tree is bad, then the other screen shows two people cutting trees.

The film also shows effects of climate change in our everyday life, like the fast melting Gangotri glaciers in Himalayas, low agriculture production, farmers shifting from apple cultivation to other cash crops, people living in low lying coastal areas left homeless due to rising sea level, threats to rare the plant species of ‘Sunderbans’ and threat to wild life etc.

Dr RS Khandpur, Director General of Science City, said that it is India’s first climate to change theatre, which provides the visitors an unforgettable experience while “Educating them on global warming”.

The film includes impact of natural calamities like floods, droughtrs and earthquakes, as well as the steps that can be taken by human beings to protect our planet like use of solar energy, rain water harvesting, use of energy efficient appliances, ban on plytherne bags, planting of more trees etc. It ends with a wake up call to ‘Think Smart, Think Green’.


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