First Bird Festival In Goa To Be Held In This November

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Bird Festival of Goa

The state of Goa nestled in Western ghats in the east and Arabian Sea to its west is synonymous the world over as a tourist destination drawing people in droves from far and near to explore its serenity, the wide expanse of pristine beaches and resorts stretching from north to south over a coastline that is 105 km long. The Western ghats constitute one of the 25 mega biodiversity hot spots in the world and by virtue of its location, the state represents a unique confluence of two diverse ecosystems, one influenced by marine environment and the other by the terrestrial forests resulting in astonishing diversity of species with high endemism, habitats and diversity.

The first Bird festival of Goa is scheduled to be held from 11th to 13th of November,2016 with the main objective of celebrating our Avifaunal biodiversity. India is home to around 1224 species of birds while the State of Goa has reported as many as 432 species of birds that inhabit its forests, wetlands and coastal habitats. There are several identified birding hotspots in the state numbering almost 100 where significant species diversity has been recorded.

The main venue of the bird festival shall be Bondla and the participants shall be taken on conducted nature/bird watching trails in Bondla and Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Park on the first 2 days. The third day shall involve visit to birding sites at Carambolim and Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Chorao.


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