Gir National Park – Asiatic Lions Are Breathing In Their Natural Home Of This Wildlife Sanctury

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Gir National park is situated in Junagadh district of Gujarat State of India and it is one of India’s oldest sanctuaries, and is synonymous with the majestic Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica). The only place in India to see this animal, this park can take legitimate pride in saving an endangered species, which was at the threshold of extinction in the start of the twenty-first century, by providing it a more secured habitat.

The Gir ecosystem falls in Biogeography Zone-4 (the semi arid) and Biogeography Province 4-B. Gujarat Rajwara is the last remaining abode of the Asiatic Lion, Panthera leo persica.

The Government of Gujarat has declared an area of 1412.1 sq km as Protected Area (PA) which comprises 258.7 sq km as National Park and 1153.4 sq km as Sanctuary. Besides this 470.5 sq km of forest area forms a buffer Zone as reserve, protected and unclassified forest. Thus, a total area of 1882.6 sq km makes up the Gir forest.

The largest compact tract of dry deciduous forest in the country, protected as Gir National Park and Sanctuary, covers an area of 1412 sq km in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat.

Gir has evolved to host a very stable ecosystem with tremendous regenerating, self-supporting and self-sustaining capacity due to its richness of biodiversity: 606 different plant species, 39 species of mammals, 37 species of reptiles and over 300 species of birds and more than 2,000 species of insects.

A breeding ground for migratory birds, the avifauna of Gir includes a variety of raptors and many other significant species, including Lesser Florican, Osprey, Indian Pitta, Red-headed Vulture, etc. It also supports a variety of reptiles, including the Indian python and the Indian star tortoise, and possibly one of the highest populations of Marsh crocodile in the country. Gir also has one of the densest concentrations of leopards in India.

The continuous forest, which covers a large tract, plays a pivotal role in keeping the climate moderate and also keeps the salinity levels at a low on the southern coast of Saurashtra.

Gir is essential to life in Gujarat. It helps in the smooth running of several ecological activities. Gir forms a part of the south central highlands in Saurashtra and is a catchment of important rivers like Shetrunji, Hiran, Saraswati, Shingoda, Machhundri, Raval and Datardi.

The forest helps recharge the water table due to infiltration and percolation in conjunction with soil and moisture conservation. Thus, Gir is a boon to farmers inhabiting the peripheral environs; it ensures sustained agricultural and horticultural production. Not to mention, the forest has great potential to be a centre for creating environmental awareness and imparting nature education.

The real feather in Gir’s hat, though, is the presence of the Asiatic lion. The attraction of these ironic species coupled with the aesthetic beauty of the area and the close proximity to the Somnath temple, has made Gir a popular tourist destination.

By Air

Nearest airport is Rajkot and Ahemedaba.

By Train

The closest Railway station is Junagadh and you can go via local trains from Junagadh city to Gir.

By Bus

Gir National Park is around 55 km from Junagadh City, the most common base for making a visit, and 348 km from Ahmedabad and 156 kms from Rajkot. The Reception centre is at Sasan Gir, and has a Forest Guest house maintained by the forest department, nearby the railway station.


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