Wular Lake - Beauty Of Mountains Around The Lake Make Visitors Paradise

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Wular Lake is a large fresh water lake of Asia. It is located in Bandipura district of northernmost state of Jammu & Kashmir. The basin of Kashmir’s largest freshwater lake was created as a result of ancient tectonic activity. Wular Lake is fed by the waters of River Jhelum and varies in size from 30 to 260 sq km (12 to 100 square miles); as per the changing seasons. Wular Lake is also visited by the waters of mountain streams by the name of Madmati, Erin and Bohnar.

Wular Lake is calm and placid across most seasons of the year. However, it is often flooded by melting snow and large volumes of water draining in from Pohru stream. Embankments and small dams are being constructed at strategic places to prevent dangers of any natural calamity. Sharp winds can create turbulence in the Lake and lead to unwarranted accidents and fatal mishaps. Tourists should get an insight on the prevailing weather conditions before visiting the lake.

Wular Lake is a scenic getaway for tourists looking forward to memorable moments in the valleys of Kashmir. They can hire houseboats, sailing boats and doongas to cruise along designated mooring places in the region. The most noteworthy amongst them are located at Ningal Kiuhnus Bay, Nullah and Ajus Spur.The beauty of mountains in the background and silence prevailing around this lake make it a place worth visiting

Scenic terrains of Wular Lake attract thousands of tourists. Sparkling waters of this lake offer plenty of opportunities for boating, fishing and water skiing. Along with a host of other outdoor water sports and activities, Wular Lake is a much loved destination for trekkers, picnic lovers and students on an excursion.

Most of the exciting water sports and other events are organized by Government of India, in collaboration with the agencies nominated by the departments connected with Jammu and Kashmir Tourism and Kerala Tourism. The contractual agreement for site operation and water sports was awarded in 2011. Ever since, tourists have been spoil for choice by the growing range of aquatic activities at their disposal.

Tourists love to savor the delightful world of colorful fish and other aquatic life in this region. Some of the main species of fish inhabiting Wular Lake include rosy barb, common carp, and mosquito fish and snow trouts— along with hundreds of others. Thousands of local fishermen employed by co-operative societies earn their livelihood by catching fish in the sparkling waters of Wullar.

Bird watchers are awed by the rich collection of avian specie in and around the vicinity of Wular Lake. Some of the common terrestrial birds spotted here include the Eurasian Sparrow hawk, Black-eared Kite, Short-toed Eagle, Himalayan Monal, Himalayan Golden Eagle, Chukar Partridge, Rock Dove, Koklass Pheasant, Woodpecker, Golden Oriole, Hoopoe, Barn Swallow, Common Cuckoo and so forth.

Tourists visiting the natural bounties of Wular Lake also like to experience the delights of shopping for woolen carpets at Bandipore. The lake can also be approached from Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, which is a paradise for bird watchers.

By Air
Srinagar is the nearest airport, connected by Indian Airlines daily (75mts). Jet Airways connects Srinagar with mumbai and new delhi with daily flights. : Jammu-Srinagar (13:35) and Delhi-Srinagar (11:15).

By Train
Jammu Tawi is the nearest railhead(290km). Major Indian cities like Kolkata, Mumbai are also linked to Jammu by train. Direct train services are available from Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and Trivandrum. 

By Bus
Located in the Bandipore district the Wular Lake can be reached by a few minutes drive from the main city. Srinagar to Bandipur the distance is distance is 40 KM


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