Heart Of The Sri Nagar-Dal Lake

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Dal lake is situated in the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), the northern-most state of India, strategically surrounded by four countries, on the East by Tibet, on the North-East by China, on the North by Afghanistan and on the West by Pakistan.

 Dal Lake is a Himalayan Urban Lake, located in the heart of Srinagar. The lake is known as a tourist attraction and it also provides drinking water, fish and vegetables, – and recreational opportunities to the local population.

The Dal Lake with its sparkling quiet waters is surrounded by the beautiful snow-capped mountains on three sides making the Dal Lake one of the most beautiful lakes in India which is immensely popular amongst tourist.

The stunning ‘shikaras’ loaded with fresh flowers look like some metaphorical version of the gondolas of Venice. You can see these casually decorated shikaras floating around the lake for transporting goods to markets, children to school and travellers from houseboats to shore.

 The dramatic houseboats equally attract tourists for a peaceful and unforgettable stay on the lake. These houseboats are well-equipped and well-attended and make for a very pleasant stay.

Both shikaras and houseboats form an integral part of the scenery of the Dal Lake. To get a glimpse of the life style of Srinagar a joy ride on a Shikara or a houseboat is a must.

The lake is probably at its most beautiful when the lotus flowers bloom in July and August. The floating gardens, known as "Rad" in Kashmiri, are one of the stranger aspects of Dal Lake.

 They're composed of matted vegetation and earth, which are cut away from the lake bottom and towed to a convenient location where they are moored.

 Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Melons all grow amazingly well in these gardens, if one look underneath one can see that they do literally float on the lake.
 One can also approach the floating gardens by road; the boulevard runs along the eastern edge of the lake, providing fine views all the way.

By Air

Srinagar is the nearest airport, connected by Indian Airlines daily (75mts). Jet Airways connects Srinagar with mumbai and new delhi with daily flights. : Jammu-Srinagar (13:35) and Delhi-Srinagar (11:15).

By Train

Jammu Tawi is the nearest railhead(165km). Srinagar is well connected to Delhi by daily trains like the JP Jat Express, Jammu Mail, Shalimar Express, Jhelum Express and Malwa Express. Major Indian cities are also linked to Jammu by train.

By Bus

The lake is situated at the heart of the Srinagar City. Srinagar is well connected by road to Chandigarh (630 km), Delhi (876 km), and Jammu (298 km). Jammu KSRTC and STRCs of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Himachal Pradesh regularly run to Jammu from all major northern cities. Route from Delhi- Ambala-Ludhiana-Jalandhar-Pathankot-Jammu-Udhampur-Banihal-Srinagar


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