Behdienkhlam Festival - A Type Of Football Is Playing With A Wooden Ball In This Festival Days

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Most popular festival of the Jaintia tribe, Behdienkhlam is celebrated in the month of July for good health, property and bumper harvest. Although Behdienkhlam is celebrated all over the Jaintia hills, the main spectacle happens in the town of Jowai, about 64 km away from Shillong. The ceremony and ritual was carried out for three days and on the last day, in the afternoon people gathered in a place called Aitnar and both young and old danced to the tunes of the pipes and drums.

The dancers are highly emotional when tall-decorated structures called rots and a wooden post-called khnongs were brought into the pool. As part of the celebration, a game similar to football called dat la wakor was held between the residents of the northern side of Jowai and the southern side each team trying to score a goal with a wooden ball. The one to score first is the winner and it is also believed that the winner would have a bumper harvest.

The non-Christian 'Pnar' people who believe either in the traditional faith of 'Niamtre' or Hinduism observe this festival. According to folktales, Jowai town was once covered by thick forest, without any human habitation. It was home of five deities, four stones and a river nymph. The four huge stones can still be seen at the four corners of Jowai town. 

The five deities wished that god would send humans to settle in this region, and thus a wandering Mongolian tribe arrived in this forest. To celebrate the presence of humans, 'U-Mokhai' the eldest of the deities began a ceremonial dance. Upon seeing the thunder and noise from the dance, the tribes got scared and began to flee. U-Mokhai then stopped and addressed them that they are safe and are meant to inhabit this forest. 

The festival begins with sacrificing pig to 'Knia Pyrthat' (Thunder) followed by the 'Wasan' (Priest) ringing the brass bell along the main road of the town to the point where the forest begins. Rounded, polished and tall trunks of tree are felled in the sacred forest and are left in the woods for couple of days. The trunks are then brought to the town with great fanfare, dancing and singing. On the fourth day, the youth of the town led by the priest visit each and every home, climb to the roof and beat it with a bamboo stick to chase away any evil spirits. 

The people also display their artistic skills by erecting 'rots' (tall bamboo structures decorated with colour paper and tinsel). The rots are then carried to the 'Aitnar site', where women and men gather. The rots arrive and the polished, rounded logs are thrown into the river. The dancing men rush and try to balance themselves on the rolling and slippery logs. At the end, 'Dad-Lawakor', a type of football is played with a wooden ball.


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