Borra Caves - It Is Naturally Formed Cave And Believed To Be 150 Million Years Old

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Borra caves are located 1,400 metres above sea level.The caves are famous for their beautiful stalagmite and stalactite formations. Borra Caves have both religious and historical significance. The locals flock to the caves to worship a Shivalinga and an idol of Kamadenu, the divine bovine goddess of Hindu mythology. 

This idol is located deep inside caves. The rock formations inside the caves look like udders of a cow and hence, these caves also are called Gosthani William King George belonging to the Geological Survey of India was instrumental in discovering Paleolithic implements in 1807. It is believed that these implements were about 1 million years old.

Borra Caves are located about 90 kms. north of Vishakapatnam in the Ananthgiri Hill Ranges of Eastern Ghats of India. It falls in the State of Andhra Pradesh. William King, the British geologist discovered the cave in 1807. It is a naturally formed cave believed to be 150 million years old. The Humic acid in the water reacts with the Calcium Carbonate in the limestone and dissolves the minerals breaking the rock gradually. 

Breathtaking hilly terrain, beautiful landscape, semi-evergreen moist deciduous forests, and wild fauna of the area are a visual feast. This cave is the biggest in India considering the area it has spread geographically. Breathtaking hilly terrain, beautiful landscape, semi-evergreen moist deciduous forests, and wild fauna of the area are a visual feast. This cave is the biggest in India considering the area it has spread geographically. 

The humic acid in the water reacts with calcium carbonate in the limestone and dissolves the minerals breaking the rock gradually. The perennial water flow over a period of time results in the formation of caves. Stalagmites are formed due water percolating from the roof containing calcium bicarbonate and other minerals from mounds. Same way stalactites are also formed and because of their different shapes tourist and locals have given different names to them. One can see different formations of the stalactites and stalagmites as Shiv-Parvati, Mother-Child, Rishi's Beard, Human Brain, Crocodile, Tiger and Cows udder. 

Borra Caves - Entry Fee, Timing, Address, Official Website
Anantagiri Hills, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Entry Fee :
Entry Fee for Per Person : 25 Rs.
Timings :
Visiting Hours - 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Official Website
Photography allowed or not
Nearest Airport
Visakhapatnam Airport


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