Chikhaldara Hill Station : It Is One Of The Most Favourite Summer Retreats Among The Nearby And Far

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A hill station with tigers in the vicinity! How does that sound? Dangerous or interesting? Well, there is actually nothing to fear but only to enjoy when you plan a visit to the quiet hill station of Chikhaldara where you will be transported to a serene zone of just flora and fauna. In fact, if you are really looking for a place to unwind, Chikhaldara is where you should be.

Chikhaldara is located about 100 kilometers north of Amravati and is the only hill station of its kind in the Vidarbha region. It is situated on a mountain range beyond which Maharashtra ends and Madhya Pradesh begins. At a height of 1,088 meters above sea level, Chikhaldara has flourished in terms of flora and fauna because of the good rainfall it receives as compared to other parts of Vidarbha. But what really adds value to Chikhaldara is that it is surrounded on three sides by the borders of the Melghat Project Tiger Area which is spread over an area of about 1,676 square kilometers.

Chikaldara Hill Station has been mentioned even in the Mahasbharata(Hindu Epic) as the place where Bhim had killed the villainous Keechaka in a Herculean bout and threw him into a valley. It came to be known as "Keechakadhara". The name Chikhaldara is later a corruption.

Chikhaldara has an abundance of wildlife, lakes, waterfalls, forts and the place is full of deep valleys. The only coffee growing place in Maharashtra.The place is full of nature so it is not much different for people already living in hilly areas. Not much to offer for people living in places like Himachal Pradesh or Uttarakhand.The place is ideal for a family vacation. It is not a romantic getaway, but even couples can enjoy a short trip. It is a must visit for animal and nature lovers. People from Delhi or Rajasthan should visit this place for close interaction with flora and fauna.

The Project Tiger area is divided into several smaller wildlife reserves and the Melghat Wildlife Reserve, which is about 780 square kilometers, makes for the entire southern border and partly the western border of Chikhaldara. The Gugamal National Park, which is about 320 square kilometers, is the core zone of the Project Tiger reserve and forms the eastern border of Chikhaldara and partly its northeastern border.In fact, given the spread of the region, Chilkhaldara and Melghat Project Tiger (MPT) are like closely bonded kin. 

If you want to hire any vehicle or want to take a bus to reach Chikhaldara, you have to go to Amravati first. The distance to Nagpur is approximately 230 kilometers which is the nearest airport. For a Pune or Mumbai resident, the travelling distance is about 750 kilometers. There are many luxury buses that ply on the Mumbai – Aurangabad – Nagpur highway. The best season to visit Chikhaldara is from October to June.

By Air
The nearest airport is Nagpur which is 230 kms away.

By Rail
Nearest railway station is Amravati, 100 kms away. It is the main town as well.

By Road
For a Pune or Mumbai resident, the travelling distance is about 750 kms.
There are many luxury buses that ply on Mumbai - Aurangabad - Nagpur highway.


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