Refurbishment Work Of The Main Dome Of Taj Mahal Is Under Process

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You will not be able to see the dome of Taj 

Mahal for a year; here's why

If you don't travel to Agra anytime soon, you might have to wait a year to see the Taj Mahal in its best form.

When things start getting messy, you do need to find a way to fix it. But this one seems heartbreaking for travellers, although necessary.

According to a report by The Times of India, the main dome of Agra's Taj Mahal will get a mud-pack therapy so that the white marble can get rid of the yellowness it has got over time.

And the worst part? It will take over a year for this process to complete. Which simply means that travellers will have to wait for a year just to see the Wonder of the World in its full glory.

Reportedly, the project will be carried by the Archaeological Survey of India's (ASI) science branch and they have already requested the civil department for a no objection certificate for the purpose.

Restoration work of the Taj Mahal is already under progress and thus three out of its four minarets have already been restored. The conservation work of the dome is slated to take place only after the restoration of the fourth minaret is complete. As revealed to TOI by a senior official of ASI, the work will be started by April 2017.

In case you are wondering what caused the white marble dome to yellow, it is simply because the monument has been affected by an oil refinery in the vicinity, factory fumes, and burning of garbage and dung cakes around it, reveals a report by The Huffington Post.

Every traveller would want the Taj Mahal to look best at all times, and thus support the restoration work it needs to go through. But in case you have been longing to see the legendary monument, you better make your travel plans to Agra in the upcoming winter.


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