Tourist Can Get The Experience Of Being In Forest While Some Important Wildlife Tours In M P

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Important Wildlife Sanctuaries and National 

Parks of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh wildlife tours comprises of the excursions in the animal reserve forests and wildlife sanctuaries that are found in abundance in Madhya Pradesh. These tours are indeed a delight to the visitors, for it provides an array of the wildlife resources.

Madhya Pradesh wildlife tours chiefly imply a short trip to the national forests in order to get the feel of seeing the animals in their natural habitat. These reserve forests, unlike the real forests, are to a far extent designed by man; yet it gives the tourists a flavor of being at a forest.

Further, it can be said that Madhya Pradesh wildlife tours are mostly organised at places like: 

National Parks:
  • Bandhavgarh National Park
  • Kanha National Park
  • Madhav National Park
  • Sanjay National Park
  • Satpuda National Park
  • Van Vihar National Park, etc.


  • Karera Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Ralamanda Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Son Ghariya Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Panchmari Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary, etc.

Besides the wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, Madhya Pradesh wildlife tours largely depend on the wildlife resorts. These resorts are instrumental in increasing the number of tourists who come every year to spend quality time amidst the natural beauty. Some of such resorts that deserve special mention are:
  • Sher Bagh, Ranthambore
  • Kabini River Lodge
  • Wild Chalet Resort, Kanah
  • Ken River Lodge, Panna
  • Spice Village Hotel
  • Hornbill's Nest, Corbett, etc.


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