Lord Shiva Temples That Are Dedicated Five Elements - Fire,Earth, Sky,Water, Air

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Lord Shiva and Shakti representing the equally balanced opposing energies of the Divine, dance their cosmic Ananda Tandava leading to the creation of the Pancha Maha Bhutas and the entire manifest universe. Each of the elements is introduced through different rhythms and Ragas with its respective Mandala.

Pritvi – Earth – Kanchipuram

The scene opens with a depiction of the four petals of the Mooladhara chakra opening in synchrony with the sound of the Bhija Mantra Lang. The slow and graceful movements of the dancers combined with the notes of Raga Revathy and the Chathusra Jaathi rhythm create a stable and steady ambience of the Earth element that is related to Kanchipuram and Thiruvaroor in South India. The story of goddess Kamakshi worshiping Lord Shiva at Kanchipuram by creating a lingam out of the mud (Pritvi Lingam) under the great mango tree that has four branches with each having fruit of different taste as well as the celestial marriage of Goddess Kamakshi with Lord Shiva is depicted in this scene. Sowing seeds on earth gives us great joy as the trees grow, flower and finally yield the fruits of our labor. The nurturing nature of mother earth is depicted by the folk dances who praise the earth and depict growth in the plant kingdom. They also show the joy of harvesting grains that have been carefully cultivated on the fertile earth. Yet, the earth also has a dangerous side and the earthquakes that threaten the very existence of humankind are a standing testimony of the violence that occurs when man misuses nature. Only the prayer to the divine can save us in the time of such catastrophe.

Apas - Water- Thiruaanaikka 

Apas,the water element has great fluidity and is related to the story of Goddess Pravathi creating a lingam out of water (Appulingam) at Thiruaanaikka after she had been banished to earth by Lord Shiva for mocking his Yoga Sadhana. Legend has it that a great herd of elephants lived at Thiruaanaika and that the lingam was worshipped by an elephant that used to offer water from the Cauvery river (Amritalingam) as well as flowers and fruits from the Jambu tree (Jambulingam). The introductory depiction of the six petals of the Swadhisthana Chakra opening in synchrony with the sound of the Bhija Mantra Vang and the graceful movements of the dancers to the notes of Raga Amruthavarshini in the Thisra Nadai enable us to enjoy the flow of the water element. Water may be a spring, a stream, a river or even the mighty ocean and the movement of the tides with the phase of the moon is also shown. A turbulent storm can frighten even the sturdiest sailor and the fury of nature in the form of a hailstorm and flood is depicted using the Thanam music. Modern man has cut down rain forests and ended up with parched riverbeds. A village elder is seen advising the community to prevent the drying up of life by cultivating and maintaining the great forests to attract rainfall for the benefit of humankind.

Tejas - Fire – Thiruvannamalai

Fire is the element related to the third Chakra, Manipura and the red triangle that symbolizes creativity and energy is the Mandala of this Chakra and this has a correlation with Bharatanatyam where the basic shape of the body used is that of the triangle. The ten petals of this Chakra are depicted opening to great energy that is there in the Bhija Mantra Rung associated with this Chakra. The dancers depict the motivating force of geothermal energy with energetic movements set to the Raga Aaberi and Kanda Nadai while the story of Brahma and Vishnu trying to find the origin and end of Lord Shiva who manifested as a column of fire at Thiruvannamalai is depicted. A graceful folk dance using earthen lamps is used to illustrate the grand festival of Karthigai Deepam that is celebrated by lakhs of devotees at Thiruvannamalai every year in November-December.

Vayu - Air- Kala Hasti

Twelve petals of the Anahatha Chakra open with the Bhija Mantra Yang as the graceful, caressing movement of air is depicted by dancers in the Raga Mohanam and Misra Nadai set to the music of a flute. Their movements bring out the spirit of being young at heart that is the quality of this Chakra. The fast paced movements with several dramatic rotations also bring out the spirit of the whirlwind that can sweep us off our feet. The Divine is present as Prana in the very air we breathe and the wonderful drops of rain from the laden dark clouds. The shape of the Chakra, a six sided hexagon formed by two interlaced triangles is artistically depicted by the dancers in this item through intricate teamwork. Lord Shiva blessed the tribal Kannappa Nayanmar at the Sri Kala Hasti Stalam that is known as the Southern Kailash after the great devotee had proved his exemplary Bhakti by gifting his very eyes to Lord Shiva. Village folk sing and dance praising the benefits of pure air and the need of keeping it pollution free in order to keep the God of Death far away.

Akasha- Space –Chidambaram 

Space that element of Nature with neither beginning nor end is awesome in nature and 16 petals of the Vishudda Chakra open to the Bhija sound Hung. The dancers using the complicated Sangeerana Nadai rhythm in the lilting Raga of Hamsanandi create a feeling of ether and space. The Chit or consciousness is the embodiment of space and the temple of consciousness is Chidambaram, the temple of the mind. By singing the praises of Lord Shiva we rid ourself of all fears. The compassionate Lord of Thillai even moved his Vahana Nandi upon the request of his great devotee Nandanar. The universe is nothing but vibration and this is visualized through the dance of Lord Shiva that is witnessed by all planets. Shiva wears the tiger skin and has cobras as his ornaments. He wears the crescent moon in his locks and dances with the fire and deer in his hands. He tears up the rouge elephant as well as controls the adamant ego principle that is manifested as the Muyalagan under his dancing feet.


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